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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Meanings of EXO Members' Names

Repost from an EXO fanpage.

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Birthname: 金珉碩 (Kim Minseok)
Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold

Given name: Minseok (珉碩)
Min (珉) -> a stone resembling jade
Seok (碩) -> large or great

Meaning: A great jade-like stone

Stage name: SM has yet to release the chinese characters for ‘Xiu’ and ‘Min’ (If there are any); Xiumin himself though has used 秀珉 (beautiful/handsome + jade-like stone) in Exo-M’s Yahoo Interview.



Birthname: 鹿晗 (Lu Han)

Surname: Lu (鹿) -> Deer (I’m unsure about Lu being his last name since it’s a uncommon surname to have and it is also not usual to have only 2 syllable names. Some fans have claimed that his last name is ‘Xi’ but until SM or Luhan himself state so I won’t take that into account. For now his official birthname is Lu as written on his official profiles. And why can’t an extraordinary person not have an extraordinary name?)

Given name: Han (晗) -> pre-dawn, breaking dawn

Meaning: Pre-dawn, breaking dawn (in case ‘Xi’ is his last name the meaning would become deer before dawn)

Stage Name: Same as birthname



Birthname: 李嘉恒 (Li Jiaheng / Eng.: Kevin Li), he changed it later for unknown reasons to 吴亦凡 (Wu Yifan / Eng.: Kris Wu)

Surname: Li (李) -> Common surname like the korean ‘Lee’, can mean Plum
Wu (吴) -> Family name without any special meaning other than it is the name of an ancient kingdom in China (Btw, it’s the same as Sehun’s last name, only chinese reading)

Given name:

1. Jiaheng (嘉恒) | Jia (嘉) -> fine, good, excellent
Heng (恒) -> permanent, constant

2. Yifan (亦凡) | Yi (亦) -> also, again
Fan (凡) -> mediocre, ordinary, common (can also mean everything)

Meaning: 1. consistently great 2. again ordinary, mortal (?)

Stage Name: English given name



Birthname: 金俊綿 (Kim Joonmyun)

Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold

Given name: Joonmyun (俊綿)
Joon (俊) -> excellence, magnificence
Myun (綿) -> cotton (can also be interpreted as soft or silk to make the meaning more beautiful)

Meaning: Excellent cotton, softness, silk

Stage Name: 수호 (Suho) -> Guardian, Patron



Birthname: 張藝興 (Zhang Yixing)

Surname: Zhang (張) -> family name without any special meaning, can also mean to spread or stretch out

Given name: Yixing (藝興)
Yi (藝) -> art, craft
Xing (興) -> prosper, flourish, interest

Meaning: Prospering in arts

Stage Name: No information on the meaning revealed so far



Birthname: 卞白賢 (Byun Baekhyun)

Surname: Byun (卞) -> family name without any special meaning, can mean law, impetuous, hasty though

Given name: Baekhyun (白賢)
Baek (白) -> white, pure
Hyun (賢) -> virtuous, good

Meaning: Pure and virtuous

Stage Name: Same as birthname



Birthname: 金鍾大 (Kim Jongdae)

Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold

Given name: Jongdae (鍾大)
Jong (鍾) -> clock, bell, chimes
Dae (大) -> large, big

Meaning: Great bell

Stage Name: SM has also yet to release the chinese equivalent writing for ‘Chen’



Birthname: 朴燦烈 (Park Chanyeol)

Surname: Park (朴) -> surname which can mean simple or (magnolia) tree

Given name: Chanyeol (燦烈)
Chan (燦) -> brilliant, vivid, illuminating, bright
Yeol (烈) -> ardent, violent, vehement

Meaning: Intense brilliance, vehement brightness

Stage Name: Same as birthname



Birthname: 度慶洙 (Do Kyungsoo)

Surname: Do (度) -> family name without any special meaning, can mean degree though

Given name: Kyungsoo (慶洙)
Kyung (慶) -> jubilate, congratulate
Soo (洙) -> name of a chinese river in Shangdong

Meaning: Celebration of the river in Shandong

Stage Name: No information on the meaning revealed so far



Birthname: 黃子韜 (Huang Zitao)

Surname: Huang (黃) -> Yellow

Given name: Zitao (子韜)
Zi(子) -> child, offspring
Tao (韜) -> art of war or conceal

Meaning: Son of a man of war or a humble son

Stage Name: Same as birthname, though it can also mean peach (桃)



Birthname: 金鐘仁 (Kim Jongin)

Surname: Kim (金) -> Gold

Given name: Jongin (鐘仁)
Jong (鐘) -> bell, chimes
In (仁) -> humanity, benevolence, charity

Meaning: Spreading (?) kindliness, benevolence

Stage Name: No information on the meaning revealed so far



Birthname: 吳世勛 (Oh Sehun)

Surname: Oh (吳) -> family name, same as Kris

Given name: Sehun (世勛)
Se (世) -> world, society
Hun (勛) -> meritorious deed or merits


Stage Name: Serving the world meritoriously

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[cr:owner via: Kathleen Shane Taloza@EXOph]


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Since Lu Han is my bias, I'm going to say something about what's written above. I'm not saying that it's wrong. Thanks for the info, btw. But I have read somewhere about this one, that's been confusing the fans.

"I’m unsure about Lu being his last name since it’s a uncommon surname to have and it is also not usual to have only 2 syllable names. Some fans have claimed that his last name is ‘Xi’ but until SM or Luhan himself state so I won’t take that into account. For now his official birthname is Lu as written on his official profiles."

About the first statement, for me, I am sure that Lu is his last name. Even without deep thinking, if that's not his last name, why would they, even the SM Entertainment restrain from telling the people about his real surname?
Kai is Kim Jongin, Lay is Zhang Yixing, etc. If Lu Han's surname is Xi, they would have mentioned it. And I have read somewhere that Lu Han himself confirmed in an interview that his real name is just "Lu Han".
Two syllable names. I'm not really familiar with Chinese names since I'm more exposed to Japanese and Korean names. Well, some Chinese celebrities have 3 syllable names like Liu Yi Fei. But some also have 2 syllable names: Han Geng and Zhao Wei. A Chinese netizen also commented about it that 2 syllable names are common in China, and Lu is also not an uncommon surname.

Second statement, Xi is not his last name. It's Lu.

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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I hope it cleared your doubts about Lu Han's real name. If you have some additional information or objections just comment it below and share it to the other EXOtics or Galaxy Ocean or whatever.
SM should decide about EXO's official fandom name.


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  1. Why all the names are in chinese??? 8 of them are pure korean. Why their name is translated from chinese to english rather than korean to chinese???🤔

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